Practical Information for the Public Legislation
Practical Information for the Public
Interesting information in English
Useful information can be found on the website of Calla - Association for Preservation of the Environment.
Near-natural restoration vs. technical reclamation of mining sites in the Czech Republic
Proceedings developed in collaboration with Calla
[PDF, 3,7 MB]Ecological restoration in the Czech RepublicEditors: Ivana Jongepierová, Pavel Pešout, Jan Willem Jongepier & Karel Prach (2012)
The publication was issued on the occasion of the 8th European Conference on Ecological Restioration
[PDF, 19,9 MB]Guidelines for establishment of flower-stripsGuidelines for establishment of species rich flowering strips in rural and urban areas.
[PDF 1,5 MB]Ecological restoration in the Czech Republic IIEditors: Ivana Jongepierová, Pavel Pešout & Karel Prach (2019)
The publication was issued as a continuation od previous Ecological restoration in the Czech Republic (2012)
[PDF 27,5 MB]
Interesting information in Czech
A summarizing article "How to promote the near-natural restoration of a mining area" on the Forum of Natural Conservation.
Fórum ochrany přírody [Nature conservation forum - on the topic of restoration ecology]Issue of the Journal Nature conservation forum, partly focused on restoration ecology
[PDF, 6 MB]Ekologická obnova [Ecological Restoration]/území narušených těžbou nerostných surovin a průmyslovými deponiemi.
Editors: J. Řehounek, K. Řehounková, R. Tropek & K. Prach (2015).
2nd Edition
[PDF, 9,18 MB]Vesmír - Ekologická obnova luk [Ecological restoration of grasslands]/ What is it good for?
Karel Prach, Klára Řehounková, Ivana Jongepierová, Kamila Lencová
Vesmír 94, 294, 2015/5Vesmír - Pískovny pro biologickou rozmanitost [Sand pits for biodiversity]/ with recreation for better protection of endangered species
Klára and Jiří Řehounkovi
Vesmír 93, 696, 2014/12Veronica - Pískovny jako příležitost pro ochranu přírody [Sand pits as an opportunity for nature conservation]
Authors of the article K. and J. Řehounkovi
Veronica - magazine for nature and landscape protection
volume 5-6 / 2013Bezobratlí postindustriálních stanovišť [Invertebrates of Postindustrial Habitats]/Význam, ochrana a management.
Editors: Robert Tropek & Jiří Řehounek (2012)
Proceedings focused on etomology
Entomologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. & Calla
[PDF, 5,48 MB]Ekologická obnova [Ecological Restoration]/území narušených těžbou nerostných surovin a průmyslovými deponiemi.
Editors: Jiří Řehounek, Klára Řehounková & Karel Prach (2010).
Proceedings developed in collaboration with Calla
[PDF, 5,18 MB]Ekologie obnovy narušených míst [Restoration Ecology of Disturbed Sites]A serial in the Živa magazine (1-6, 2009)
Authors: Karel Prach, Pavel Kovář and others.
[PDF, 46,44 MB]Karel Prach: web seminar from 04/03/2013Web seminar by Forum of Natural Conservation "Restoration Ecology - State in the Czech Republic and in the World".
Speaker: Karel Prach, moderator: Jaroslav DušekQuarryLife Award: Cep II - sand pit for biodiversityOur team presents the project in QuarryLife Award, the international scientific-educational competition organized by HeidelbergCement company.