Restoration of springs - retention of water in the landscape directly at the source

In May this year, we started working on a very interesting project called Restoration of springs - retention of water in the landscape directly at the source. Its aim is to find out whether and what effect the revitalisation of springs has on their biota and basic water parameters. And because we take research seriously, the project involves specialists in higher plants, mosses, macromycetes and macrozoobenthos. The application guarantor is the Administration of the Šumava National Park. The pipes and sensors for monitoring of the water level have already been installed, the spring sampling of macrozoobenthos has successfully been completed, but we are definitely not fnishing there. Monitoring of higher plants, mosses and fungi is in its full swing. The project is quite ambitious in the number of sites, therefore we are now very busy. But the result, the Methodology for monitoring of springs and assessing the effect of their restoration, will definitely be worth it!

This project is funded with the support of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic within the Programme Prostředí pro život.


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